A Fresh Start and the Path Forward

Part of being a creative is finding or defining your “voice” … or even your direction. Never was this more true than with photography. Most of my work is unplanned, and because I tend to capture everything in my path that strikes me in the moment as interesting, beautiful, or photo worthy, I tend to range across a number of styles. So, what is MY “voice?”

I’m not sure yet!

With this blog I want to do more than showcase images. Here, I want to challenge myself to hone in on my voice and direction while continuing to explore my craft and the every-day world around me. My challenge to myself is to post at least one image each month and talk a little about the image and my take on it. I also plan to post snippets of my experience, challenges, and how I feel I am growing.

At least that’s that’s my goal.

Another goal, one that’s for further down the road after I do define my voice, is to build a body of showable or sellable works. But we’ll talk about that later.

If you’d like to follow along, feel free to subscribe.


Am I in Color?